3 weeks before departure: some thoughts


So I have officially resigned from my job. Everyone knows; family, friends, co-workers. I think my dog is the only one who doesn’t know. Unfortunately, he is going to have to learn the hard way.

My flight is booked; I have a one way ticket to Thailand with my name on it. Cashed in my miles and I’m flying first+business class to Krabi with a stopover in Tokyo. Why Krabi? Well, I think the beach would be nice. Why Tokyo? Do you really have to ask? The brilliant part about that (besides the fact that I am flying first/business class)? I only started collecting the miles 9 months ago (more on how you could do that too for next to nothing – in upcoming posts).

Everything is winding down to my departure. My departure. My departure. 

It has a nice ring to it, but a sort of finale-type ring. A little sad, a little exciting; a bit of closure mixed with a feeling of a new beginning. Kind of like your favourite sitcom’s series finale; you finally get to know all of your unanswered questions about the show, yet you are unsure of what happens after the last scene. Maybe there will be a spin-off, or a Q&A with the cast and crew that will answer that burning question you have. Or maybe you will never know. Or maybe, you will be satisfied with how it wraps up… maybe you’ll want more.

I’ve been feeling different emotions about having everything happen so fast. Although I’ve been dreaming about this for years and have gotten things into gear for the past few months, I still wonder some things… Did I make the right decision in quitting my comfortable, benefits-packed job? Am I going to have enough money? Will I get sick of the backpacker culture and want to call it quits? AM I EVEN READY TO GO?!

After battling these thoughts in my head I realized thatthere will always be some doubt lingering in my head, questions that I cannot answer because I cannot go in two directions at once.

The only thing I am certain of is that I am departing my old life, starting anew, somewhere unfamiliar, and I can go in any direction I choose. Of course, that will end up being my direction and my direction only.




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